Thursday, December 26, 2019

Prepare for Regulation 6 Examination - Basic Difference Between Freight Forwarders & Customs Broker

What is a forwarder?
Freight forwarders are defined as related experts in the supply chain, focused on the physical transport and delivery of goods. They are in contact with any entity in the export process that deals with cargo, ship, aircraft or its group, or knows it. As per the expert of Rule 6 exam, Freight forwarders are responsible for collecting and filling out various documents and presentations.

Devers explains that the freight forwarder is a “travel agent for cargo” an external organization that creates the trip and then simplifies the trip for a certain amount, including paperwork and documents. In addition to organizing freight transport, shippers can also provide services that include:
  • Customs clearance at the customs entry
  • Trade Documents
  • Service Insurance
  • Supply Chain Management

When choosing a forwarder, make sure that you clearly understand what he provides for the services and how much they cost for them.

Who is a customs broker?
Customs agencies are experts in international trade who are responsible for drawing up and approving the customs declaration when the goods arrive at the port of entry. Customs brokers are more specialized while your shipment lands on Indian territory, they manage the customs clearance process of your goods, including all the aspects of paperwork, documentation, taxes, import duties, and other items. As per the expert of Rule 6 exam, It is a time consuming and complex process that is best left to professionals. Do you also think that you can be present in the ports at the time of shipment? The customs broker will receive the shipment through customs on your behalf. In addition to the tasks listed above as per the Regulation 6 examination, customs brokers can help:
  • Customs Coordination
  • Duty drawbacks and reconciliation
  • Customs bonds
  • Advice and guidance with government audits.

Also, there are many custom brokers who offer freight forwarding services so they store their goods.

Are shippers and customs agents the same?
Often the role of a forwarder and a customs broker can coincide and be interchangeable. It is important for the importer or exporter to understand the role of the actor selected in:
  • Who will control the necessary import documents
  • Freight Negotiation
  • Control shipping time
  • Vehicles
  • Customs clearance procedure with the competent customs agency

For more details about custom broker, freight forwarders and related examination such as Regulation 6 examination you can chat with the experts on

Friday, December 20, 2019

Hire the Best Customs Broker to Save Cost

Who is the customs house agent?

A person who works on behalf of importer and exporter to help them import and export the goods. To become a customs officer, you must first pass the test to obtain a license.

What are they doing?
When you decide to import goods from a foreign country, it is not an easy task. Much can be covered, but customs brokers make it easier for retailers to import:
  • Prepare documents such as declarations.
  • Facilitate communication between the importer and relevant government agencies.
  • Calculation of customs duties
  • Help get permission from government agencies.
  • Deliver the goods from ports to your warehouse.

It is better to leave import and export in the hands of specialists. Customs brokers are constantly aware of constant changes in legislation and have experience in anything that could go wrong, such as damaged stocks, problems of the Ministry of Agriculture, etc.

With the new policy change, authorities have become more difficult to control imported goods and, unfortunately, for most online stores, small lots, such as general container lots, often go with a tooth comb fines. Customs officials can help you by telling you exactly what information your supplier must provide to increase the ability to communicate with customs without hindrance.

Things to look for in a customs broker
Hiring the wrong customs officer can result in costly delays in receiving your stock, faxing documents to another person, or not being notified that your package has been shipped. Below is the list of things to consider when looking for an agent to help you get the best help with the import process:
  • Low payload
In most cases, problems and errors arise, as many brokers handle up to 100 deliveries per week, so it's not surprising that they sometimes get it wrong. Here it becomes important to ask them about the number of cases custom agents are currently dealing with.
  • Outstanding connection
In the same way that you find when you find a new supplier of products, you should always look for a broker who appreciates reliable communication, because if things go wrong, there is nothing worse than the broker who will not respond to your calls! A good broker will understand that he wants to receive your goods as soon as possible and must inform him at each step of the process.

For more details about the examination to become a Customs House Agent you can chat with the expert team of JBS Academy on

Monday, December 16, 2019

Brief about the Freight Forwarding in India

Freight forwarding include all the activities to import and export goods in the international or multinational market. This process of freight starts from one international location to another it involves different legalities, shippers, and requirements. Freight forwarder works as an intermediary between the clients and the different transportation services, it is mentioned in the Courses for Freight Forwarder.

Freight forwarding market India

As per the survey run by experts of the best freight forwarding courses online, worldwide markets are expected to grow by 7 to 8% annually. This creates a hidden stimulus to the increasing freight forwarding demand in India. A 100% FDI in logistics shows a healthy outlook for the Indian economy. The global slowdown has forced many freight forwarding companies to turn their way towards the logistics. Also, many international and national companies are investing in the transportation sector, this would benefit the logistics sector of India. And because of that, the Indian freight forwarding companies are becoming more competitive in international

As per the survey run by experts of the best freight forwarding courses online, here are some growth challenges faces by the freight forwarding industry.

  • Investment, and ability of firms to raise funds
  • Stiff competition from the competitors
  • Inadequate Indian infrastructure
  • Standard and system
  • Investment, and ability to raise funds
  • Technology

It takes time for the Indian Government to recognize logistic as a growing industry. With the help of Fiscal in India have helped the logistic companies indirectly but the absence of industry status keeps the fright forwarding sector at a disadvantage. Now, the government needs to provide special incentives because the growth of this sector is directly affecting the overall growth of GDP.

The Indian logistics industry is standing on the edge, as the growth of this sector is limited by its in-efficiencies. The approaching decade shows the other side of this infection, shall underline its operational prowess and its returns potential.

To know more about freight forwarding or to be a part of this sector JBS academy offer the best Courses for Freight Forwarder. To get more details contact on 079 -2754 0463 or visit on

Friday, December 6, 2019

What is Customs Clearance? Get The Basics Clear

There are two words Customs & Clearance what is Customs? 

Every Country in the world has an organization called Customs. The job of the Customs is a sovereign act. It is an act which denotes the supremacy of the Government of the land. It tells people what you can do while coming into the Country and what you should do while going out of the Country. It is a barrier that has to be crossed, and that process of crossing that barrier is called Clearance, so Customs Clearance is the process of passing the barrier that is Customs. I can give you a small example. When you go to a shopping mall, you find that the security at the gate checks your bag, they check your body, they check what you are taking inside, and they check what you are taking outside.

But what are they checking?

They only check whatever the mall owner wants to permit comes inside, and whatever the mall owners do not wish to allow remains outside.

The security decides the process of checking at some places you are frisked.  At some places, you go through a wire at some places you open your bag for them to check. Now let us replace the mall with India. 

Let us replace the security with Customs and let us replace the mall owner with the Ministry of Commerce that is the DGFT that is Director General of Foreign Trade. 

As per experts of Custom Clearance in Ahmedabad, it is Director General of Foreign Trade (who) decides what can come in and what can go out under what condition and in what form. It is a job of Customs (to) ensure that only what is permitted by the DGFT comes into the Country and goes out of the Country in the form in which it has to happen. The process of Customs Clearance generally happens through what is known as a licensed Customs Broker. A licensed Customs Broker is an agency that represents active working in it and who have passed Customs examination. This is called the Regulation-6 exam and those people who have passed the exams are authorized to act on behalf of that company or firm or on their own to undertake Customs Clearance. Read more...

Monday, December 2, 2019

Prepare for Customs Clearance Exam - Types of Custom Duty

All the Indian customs duties are defined under the Act of the Customs Act, 1962 and enable the government to levy duty on import-export, procedures for importing, exporting and offenses, etc. The Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC) is a division of the department of revenue of the ministry of finance. As mentioned in the CBLR exam 2018, CBEC divided into various divisions to manage all the fieldwork including, Customs, Customs preventive and Central Excise Zones, Commissionerate of Customs, Central Revenues Control Laboratory and Directorates, etc. Also, it took care of all the foreign and inland travel all the oversee proper tax administration. 
 CBLR exam 2018

As per CBLR exam 2019 in India, here are all the types of Indian Customs Duty, 

Customs duties are levied on all goods imported into the country. On the other hand, export duties levied on some listed items mentioned in the second schedule. These customs duties are not levied on food grains, fertilizers, and some life saving drugs. As mentioned in the CBLR exam 2018, all the Indian customs duties are divided into various taxes such as, 

1. Basic Customs Duty
This duty is levied on all imported items which come under Section 12 of the Customs Act, 1962. The tax rate is levied on First Schedule to Customs Tariff Act, 1975.

2. Additional Customs Duty
This duty is levied on all the items which come under section 3 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. All the tax rate under this duty is similar to the Central Excise Duty charged on goods produced within India.
3. Protective Duty
This is levied for the purpose of protecting indigenous businesses and domestic products. All the rates are decided by the Tariff Commissioner.
4. Education Cess
All the items that come under this are charged at 2%, with some higher education cess 1%, which is mentioned in the customs duty.
5. Safeguard Duty
This duty comes for all those goods which are levied of the customs authorities feel that the exported goods can damage the economy of the country. 

For more details about the customs duty in India or to know more about  CBLR exam 2019 in India contact the expert team of JBS Academy on 9574005085 or chat with them on