Friday, November 2, 2018

10 Things About Regulation 6 You Should Know Before Applying for the Customs Brokers Licence

1. Conditions to fulfilled by the applicants to become eligible for the CHA- Custom Housing Agent Examination.
  • Applicants need to be a citizen of India
  • Not been penalized for any offense under the Central Excise Act, 1944, the Central Goods and Services Act, 2017, the Finance Act, 1994, and Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017
  • Graduate from any government certified university
  • Any Education Qualification
  • Applicant having a degree in the field of MBA, LLB or CA. All these degrees are mentioned in Customs Circular No- 42 dated 10-06-2004
  • Have a diploma degree in Customs Clearance by government recognized university
  • Have at least two years experience in transacting Customer Broker work as G-Card holder
  • Bank certified assets not less than 5 lakhs
  • The applicant has bank certified assets of the value of not less than five lakhs rupees.
  • A retired group A officer who has a minimum five years experience in Indian Revenue Service.
2. Once you’re eligible for CHA Examination the applicant need to appear in written and oral examinations conducted by Directorate General of Performance Management.

3. If the Applicant has already cleared any of the below examinations then no need to appear for any further examination,
  • Regulation 9 of the Custom House Agents Licensing Regulation, 1984
  • Regulation 8 of the Custom House Agents Licensing Regulation, 2004
  • Regulation 6 of the Customs Brokers Licensing Regulation, 2013
4. If you’re preparing for Regulation 6 Exam, Customs Brokers Licensing Regulations Examinations then you must know the data. The written exam is conducted in the month of January and the results of the exams are declared at the end of May. Once you pass the written exam, you need to appear for an oral exam which is conducted in the month of July.

5. An applicant is allowed to clear Customs Brokers Licensing Regulations Examination in the maximum of six attempts under the period of 7 years from the date of making application for the exam.

6. Here are some of the questions asked in the Rule 6 Examination. Preparation of the bills such as the bill of export, bill of entry, shipping bill and many clearance documents,
  • Goods arrival entry and clearance of vessels
  • Rates of Duties and tariff classification
  • Determine the value of imported and exported goods
  • Convert the currency
  • Nature and description of documents required to be filed with various kinds of bills
  • The process of examination of the goods at port or customs stations
  • Prohibitions on export and import
  • A procedure of bonding and clearance from bond
  • Varied offenses under varied Acts
  • Knowledge of EXIM trade, rules and regulations, which are relevant to the clearance of goods through customs
  • Online filing of electronic bills under the Indian Customs and Central Excise Electronic Commerce or Electronic data interchange gateway (ICEGATE) and ICES- Indian Customs Electronic data Interchange System
  • Knowledge of the Customs Act and other Allied Acts rules, regulations and notifications.
7. Once the applicant clear both the exams, they need to pay fees of rupees 5000 within the two months of the result declaration of the oral examination.
8. The applicant who has paid the fee shall be granted a license by the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner of Customs.

9.The license granted by the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner of Customs shall be valid for the period of ten years after the ten years you can renew the license

10. If you fail to submit the application for license renewal before the expiry, you need to pay rupees 2000 as a late fee on the fee for renewal of the license which is rupees 5000

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