Thursday, February 27, 2020

Tips For Applying And CBLR Exam Preparation To Successfully Passing It

If you are the aspirant looking to start your career in the customs broker, you can apply for the CBLR exam and pass it to enter into your desired field. Are you in need to know the details and formats to apply and pass in the CBLR exam? Take deep dive into the blog to know about the application process and preparation tips for successfully passing the exam.

Methods to apply for the CBLR exam
If you’re waiting for the CBLR Exam 2020, you can keep surfing the customs field official website to know about its updates. Within the official website, you can get the Form-A application form. Fill the form and submit it along with the details asked in the form and documents mentioned to submit along with the Form-A. 

You can submit the form to the recipients mentioned in the website related to the area where you intend to carry on your customs broker role. Fortunately, through online submission, you can submit the form to the mentioned recipient instantly. Get a duplicate application copy for future reference.

Levels to pass in the customs broker exam
To get the custom broker license, you need to pass in the levels of the written and oral exam. The written exam must be the level1 in the Rule 6 Exam 2020 for the entire applied applicant. The level2 in the CBLR exam will be the oral exam it can attend by the aspirants who get selected in the level1. After crossing the level 1&2, you will grant the Form-B to get the license. 

Subsequently, you can get intimation from the CBLR professionals to apply for the Form-C to the Commissioner of Customs of the Customs Station. Again you have to get a grant by the Commissioner of Customer to enter into the level of Form-D and Form-E to carry out the license to continue as a Customs Broker. 

CBLR exam preparation tips
  • Schedule time and prepare study notes

Once you submit the CBLR Form-A application to the recipient, at least you can get two months time duration to prepare for the exam. Therefore, schedule your time to prepare wisely for the exam to study, model tests and revise the section. Split your time to study and prepare notes for the subject wisely.

  • Refer to the previous exam pattern and question papers

Being clear about the exam pattern and the theme of the questions often asked in the CBLR exam is essential to make your preparation part meaningful. Review the comments mentioned by the students who take attempts and their guide for CBLR Exam Preparation. Their experience will be useful for you to prepare study notes with unforgettable point references. 

  • Attend the training section and be ready for the exam

If you can individually prepare for the exam by referring to the books, it is ideal. Else get trained under the CBLR exam coaching center to know the simple ways to solve the problems. Take several model tests and be prepared for the exam.

Make use of the information from the top to bottom of this blog to apply and be ready for the CBLR Exam. Don’t forget to take the essential belongings and documents to attend the exam on the scheduled day. for more information call on 079 -2754 0463

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